If two or more fractions are added or subtracted first we have to check the denominators, whether they are same or not.

If they are same, we can use only one denominator and add the numerators.

If the denominators are not same, we have to take least common multiple and make them same.

After making the denominators same, we have to put only one denominator and add the numerators.

Problem 1 :

Add :

2/5  +  1/2

Solution :

The given fractions are unlike fractions, to make it as like fractions. We have to find the least common multiple.

LCM(2, 5) = 10

= (2/5) x (2/2) + (1/2) x (5/5)

= 4/10 + 5/10

= (4 + 5)/10

= 9/10

Problem 2 :

Subtract  3/5  - 1/4

Solution :

The given fractions are unlike fractions, to make it as like fractions. We have to find the least common multiple.

LCM (5, 4) = 20

= (3/5) x (4/4) - (1/4) x (5/5)

= 12/20 - 5/20

= (12 - 5)/20

= 7/10

Problem 3 :

Subtract  3/7 - 1/2

Solution :

= (3/7) - (1/2)

LCM (7, 2) = 14

= (3/7) x (2/2) - (1/2) x (7/7)

= 6/14 - 7/14

= (6 - 7) / 14

= -1/14

Problem 4 :

Simplify  -1/2 + 3/4

Solution :

= -1/2 + 3/4

LCM (2, 4) = 4

= (-1/2) x (2/2) + (3/4)

= -2/4 + 3/4

= (-2 + 3)/4

= 1/4

Problem 5 :

Simplify 1/10  -  4/5

Solution :

= 1/10 - 4/5

LCM (5, 10) = 10

= 1/10 - (4/5) x (2/2)

= 1/10 - 8/10

= (1 - 8)/10

= -7/10

Problem 6 :

Simplify 7/9 + 2/3

Solution :

= 7/9 + 2/3

LCM (3, 9) = 9

= (7/9) + (2/3) x (3/3)

= 7/9 + 6/9

= (7 + 6) / 9

= 13/9

Converting into mixed fraction, we get

= 1  4/9

Problem 7 :

Find the sum of 1/3 and 2/5.

Solution :

To find the sum of the above fractions, we have to add these two fractions.

= 1/3 + 2/5

LCM (3, 5) = 15

= (1/3) x (5/5) + (2/5) x (3/3)

= 5/15 + 6/15

= (5 + 6)/15

= 11/15

Problem 8 :

The difference between 1/4 and 2/3.

Solution :

To find the difference between the given fractions, we have to subtract the above fractions.

= (1/4) - (2/3)

LCM (4, 3) = 12

= (1/4) x (3/3) - (2/3) x (4/4)

= 3/12 - 8/12

= (3 - 8)/12

= -5/12

Problem 9 :

The number 3 less than 2/3.

Solution :

= (2/3) - 3

= (2 - 9)/3

= -7/3

So, 3 less than 2/3 is -7/3.

Problem 10 :

What must 1/5 be increased by to get 2/3 ?

Solution :

Let x be the required number.

1/5 + x  =  2/3

x  =  (2/3) - (1/5)

lcm (3, 5)  =  15

x  =  (10/15) - (3/15)

x  =  (10-3)/15

x  =  7/15

Problem 11 :

What number is 3/4 less than -1  1/2 ?

Solution :

Let x be the required number.

x  =  -1  1/2 - (3/4)

x  =  -(3/2) - (3/4)

x  =  (-6-3)/4

x  =  -9/4

x  =  -2   1/4

So, the required number is -2  1/4.

Problem 12 :

Add 5/6, 3/5 and 1/3.

Solution :

= (5/6) + (3/5) + (1/3)

LCM (3, 5, 6) = 30

= (5/6) x (5/5) + (3/5) x (6/6) + (1/3) x (10/10)

= 25/30 + 18/30 + 10/30

= (25 + 18 + 10)/30

= 53/30

Converting into mixed fraction, we get

= 1  23/30

Problem 13 :

Over three successive days Colin builds 1/3 , 1/5 and 1/4 of the brickwork of his new garage. 

What fraction must he complete on the fourth and final day?

Solution :

Work completed on three consecutive days 

= (1/3) + (1/5) + (1/4)

LCM (3, 4, 5) = 60

= (1/3) x (20/20) + (1/5) x (12/12) + (1/4) x (15/15)

= 20/60 + 12/60 + 15/60

= (20 + 12 + 15)/60

= 47/60

Portion of work yet to be completed = 1 - (47/60)

= (60 - 47)/60

 = 13/60

Problem 14 :

Jamil spent 1/4 of his weekly salary on rent, 1/5 on food, and 1/6 on clothing and entertainment. The remaining money was banked.

a) What fraction of Jamil’s money was banked?

b) If he banked $138, what is his weekly salary?

c) How much did Jamil spend on food?

Solution :

Amount he spends for rent, food and clothing are

1/4, 1/5 and 1/6

= (1/4) + (1/5) + (1/6)

LCM (4, 6, 5) = 60

= (1/4) x (15/15) + (1/5) x (12/12) + (1/6) x (10/10)

= 15/60 + 12/60 + 10/60

= (15 + 12 + 10) / 60

= 37/60

a) Amount remaining = 1 - 37/60

= (60 - 37)/60

= 23/60

b)  Amount he has banked = 23/60

Let his weekly salary be x

23/60 of x = 138

x = 138 x (60/23)

= 6(60)

= 360

So, his weekly salary is $360.

c) Amount spent for food = 1/5 of 360

= (1/5) x 360

= $72

So, $72 is the amount he has spent for food.

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