Problem 1 :

There were 988 books in a library. If 250 books are bought today, how many books are in the library now?

Problem 2 :

If 1056 boys and 781 girls had taken part in an art competition. find the total number of students took part in the competition.

Problem 3 :

Jack has given $1025 to his wife and he has $756 left. How much money did he have initially?

Problem 4 :

In a soccer team, a player needs 18 inches of fabric for headband and 8 inches of fabric for wristband. Find the total amount of fabric required for each player.

Problem 5 :

Richard scored 85 points in the first round, 92 points in the second round and 103 points in the third round. Find the total points scores in all the three rounds.

Problem 6 :

In an examination, John's score is 600 marks and he received grade B. If John had scored 200 more marks, he would have received grade A. Find the score for grade A. 

Problem 7 :

On Friday, William sold 1257 meatballs. On Saturday, he sold 158 more meatballs than on Friday. How many meatballs did he sell altogether on these two days?

Problem 8 :

Both Peterson and Brian have digital cameras and  the cost of Peterson's camera is $225. If the cost Brian's camera is $37 more than Peterson's camera. find the cost of Brian's camera.

Problem 9 :

Joey participated in a dance-a-thon. On Friday, his team started dancing at 10 A.M. and stopped at 6 P.M. on Saturday. How many hours did Joey’s team dance ?

Problem 10 :

Jeff left Hartford at 2:15 P.M. and arrived at 4:45 P.M. in Boston. How long did the drive take him?

Problem 11 :

Distance from place A to B is 50 miles, distance from place B to place C is two times the distance from place A to place B and the distance from Place C to place D is three-fourth of the distance from place B to place C. Find the distance from place A to place D.

Problem 12 :

Three numbers written on a paper are consecutive multiples of 3. If the first number is 12, find the sum of the three numbers.


1. Answer :

To find the total number of books in the library now, add 988 and 250. 

=  988 + 250

=  1238

So, there are 1238 books in the library now. 

2. Answer :

To find the total number of students, add 1056 and 781.

=  1056 + 781

=  1837

So, 1837 students took part in the competition in all.  

3. Answer :

To find the money Jack had initially, add 1025 and 756.

=  1025 + 756

=  1781

So, Jack had $1781 initially.

4. Answer :

Total amount of fabric required for each player :

= 18 + 8

= 26 inches

5. Answer :

Total points scored by Richard in all the three rounds :

= 85 + 92 + 103

= 280

6. Answer :

To find the score for grade A, add 600 and 200.

=  600 + 200

=  800

So, the score for grade A is 800.   

7. Answer :

Number of meatballs sold on Friday : 

=  1257

Number of meatballs sold on Saturday : 

=  1257 + 158

=  1415

Number of meat balls sold on Friday and Saturday altogether : 

=  1257 + 1415

=  2672

So, William sold 2672 meatballs altogether on Friday and Saturday.

8. Answer :

The cost of Brian's camera :

= 225 + 37

= $262

9. Answer :

From 10 A.M. Friday to 10 A.M. Saturday is 24 hours.

From 10 A.M. Saturday to 6 P.M. Saturday is another 8 hours.

Then, total hours is

=  24 + 8

=  32

So, Joey's team danced for a total of 32 hours.

10. Answer :

From 2:15 P.M. to 4:15 P.M. is 2 hours.

From 4:15 P.M. to 4:45 P.M. is another half hour.

Then, the total time is

=  2 hours + 0.5 hours

=  2.5 hours

=  2 hours 30 minutes

So, the drive took him for 2 hours 30 minutes. 

11. Answer :

Distance from place A to place B : 

=  50 miles

Distance from place B to place C : 

=  2 ⋅ (Distance from A to B)

=  2 ⋅ 50 miles

=  100 miles

Distance from place C to place D : 

=  3/4 ⋅ (Distance from C to D)

=  3/4 ⋅ 100 miles

=  3 ⋅ 25

=  75 miles

Total distance (A to D) : 

=  (A to B) + (B to C) + (C to D)

=  50 + 100 + 75

=  225 miles

So, the distance from Place A to place D is 225 miles. 

12. Answer :

Among three numbers which are consecutive multiples of 3, the first number is 12.

Then, the remaining two numbers are 15 and 18.

The sum of the three numbers :

= 12 + 15 + 18

= 45

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