In Math, sometimes we people find it difficult to do problems with decimals like comparing and ordering of decimal numbers.

Actually it is not difficult to do problems with decimals, once we understand the stuff.

Now, let us see how to compare two decimals.

Comparing Decimals

Example 1 :

Compare 1.031 and 0.256.

Solution :

To compare the given decimal numbers, we have to write them in a table as given below.

In the above table, compare the numbers in the first column (units).

We have 1 in 1.0231 and 0 in 0.256.

Since 1 is greater than 0, we have

1.031 is greater than 0.256

Example 2 :

Compare 0.231 and 0.228.

Solution :

To compare the given decimal numbers, we have to write them in a table as given below.

In the above table, compare the numbers in the first column (units).

In the first column, we have have 0 in both the decimal numbers 0.231 and 0.228.

So, we have to compare the numbers in the third column (Tenths).

In the third column (Tenths), we have the same number 2 in both the decimal numbers.

So, we have to compare the numbers in fourth column (Hundredths).

In the fourth column (Hundredths), we have 3 in 0.231 and 2 in 0.228.

Since 3 is greater than 2, we have

0.231 is greater than 0.228

Ordering Decimals

Example 1 :

Order the decimal numbers 1.023, 1.101 and 0.985 from least to greatest.

Solution :

To order the given decimal numbers, first we have to write them in a table as given below.

To get the least one , compare the numbers in the first column (units).

We get 0 in 0.985. This is the least among the given three decimal numbers.

To get the next least number, let us compare 1.023 and 1.101.

In both the decimals, we find 1 in the first column (units).

Now, we have to compare the third column (Tenths). There we get 0 in 1.023 and 1 in 1.101.

Since 0 is less than 1, the next least decimal is 1.023.

Therefore, the order of the given decimals from least to greatest is

0.985, 1.023, 1.101

Example 2 :

Order the decimal numbers 0.098, 0.123 and 0.985 from least to greatest.

Solution :

To order the given decimal numbers, first we have to write them in a table as given below.

To get the least one , compare the numbers in the first column (Units).

We get 0 in all the three decimal numbers in the first column.

So, let us move to the third column (Tenths) and compare the numbers.

In third column, we get 0 in 0.098.

Therefore, 0.098 is the least among the given decimal numbers.

In the same third column, we get 1 in 0.123.

This is the next least decimal number.

Therefore, the order of the given decimals from least to greatest is

0.098, 0.123, 0.985

Note :

In the third column also, if you get the same number in all the three decimal numbers, compare the numbers in the fourth column (Hundredths column) and so on.

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