A number is divisible by 9, if the sum of the digits in the number is divisible by 9 or multiple of 9.

Example 1 :

Check whether 9477 is divisible by 8. 

Solution :

Add all the digits in the number 9477.

9 + 4 + 7 + 7  =  27  

The sum of the digits in the given number 9477 is 27 which is a divisible by 9. 

So, 9477 is divisible by 9. 

Example 2 :

Check whether 12708 is divisible by 9.

Solution :

Add all the digits in the number 12708.

1 + 2 + 7 + 0 + 8  =  18  

The sum of the digits in the given number 12708 is 18 which is divisible by 9. 

So, 12708 is divisible by 9. 

Example 3 :

Check whether 3645 is divisible by 9. 

Solution :

Add all the digits in the number 3645.

3 + 6 + 4 + 5  =  18  

The sum of the digits in the given number 3645 is 18 which is a multiple of 9. 

So, 3645 is divisible by 9. 

Example 4 :

Check whether 948 is divisible by 9. 

Solution :

Add all the digits in the number 948.

9 + 4 + 8  =  21

The sum of the digits in the given number 948 is 21 which is not divisible by 9. 

So, 948 is not divisible by 9. 

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Divisibility rule for 25

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