Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of two numbers is the greatest factor that is common to both of them

To find the greatest common divisor of the given numbers or for algebraic expressions we have to follow the steps. 

Step 1 :

List the prime factors of each of the given number. For algebraic expression we have to find factors of them.

Step 2 :

List the common factors of the given numbers or common factors.

Step 3 :

Multiply those common factors.

Find the GCD of the following

Example 1:

c- d2, c(c - d)

Solution :

c2-d2, c(c-d)

By using algebraic identity

a- b2  = (a + b)(a - b)

c- d= (c + d) (c - d)

c(c - d)  =  c(c - d)

Common factor is (c-d).

So, greatest common divisor is (c - d).

Example 2 :

x- 27a3x, (x - 3a)2

Solution :

x4-27a3x, (x-3a)

x4-27a3x  =  x(x3-27a3)

=  x(x3-(3a)3)

By using algebraic identity

a3-b3  =  (a-b)(a2+ab+b2)

x3-(3a) =  (x-3a)(x2+3ax+9a2)

x(x3-(3a)3)  =  x(x-3a)(x2+3ax+9a2) ----(1)

(x-3a) =  (x-3a)(x-3a) ----(2)

Common factors of (1) and (2) are (x-3a).

So, greatest common divisor is (x-3a).

Example 3 :

m- 3m - 18,  m+ 5m + 6

Solution :

m- 3 m - 18,  m+ 5m + 6

By doing factorization, we get

m- 3m - 18 = (m - 6) (m + 3)

m+ 5m + 6 = (m + 2) (m + 3)

Common factor is (m + 3).

So, greatest common divisor is (m + 3).

Example 4 :

x+ 14x + 33, x+ 10x- 11x

Solution :

x+ 14x + 33, x+ 10x- 11x

x+ 14x + 33  = (x + 11)(x + 3)  ---(1)

x+ 10x- 11x = x(x+ 10x - 11)

  =  x(x + 11)(x - 1)  ----(2)

Common factor is (x + 11).

So, greatest common divisor is (x + 11).

Example 5 :

x+ 3xy + 2y2, x+ 5xy + 6y2

Solution :

x+ 3xy + 2y2, x+ 5xy + 6y2

x+ 3xy + 2y2 = x+ xy + 2xy + 2y2

= x(x + y) + 2y(x + y)

=  (x + 2y)(x + y)  ---(1)

x+ 5xy + 6y2  =  x+ 2xy + 3xy + 6y2

=  x(x + 2y) + 3y(x + 2y)

=  (x + 2y) (x + 3y)----(2)

Greatest common factor of (1) and (2) is (x+2y).

Example 6 :

2x- x -1, 4x+ 8x + 3

Solution :

2x- x - 1, 4x+ 8x + 3

2x2-x-1  =  (2x+1) (x-1)

4x2+8x+3  =  (2x+3)(2x+1)

Common factor is (2x+1). 

So, the greatest common divisor is (2x+1).

Example 7 :

x- x - 2, x+ x - 6, 3x- 13x + 14

Solution :

x- x - 2, x+ x - 6, 3x- 13x + 14

x- x - 2  =  (x - 2) (x + 1)

x+ x - 6 = (x + 3)(x - 2)

3x- 13x + 14  = (x - 2)(3x - 7)

Common factor is (x - 2).

So, the greatest common divisor is (x - 2).

Example 8 :

x- x+ x - 1, x4 - 1

Solution :

x- x+ x - 1, x4 - 1

=  (x - 1)(x+ 1)  ----(1)

x- 1  =  (x2)- (12)2

=  (x+ 1) (x- 1)

=  (x+ 1)(x + 1)(x - 1) ----(2)

Common factors in (1) and (2) are (x - 1) and (x+ 1)    

So, the greatest common divisor is (x - 1)(x2+1).

Example 9 :

24 (6x- x- 2x2), 20(2x+ 3x+ x4)

Solution :

24 (6x- x- 2x2), 20(2x+ 3x+ x4)

24 (6x- x- 2x2)  =  23 ⋅ 3 x2 (6x- x - 2)

=  23 ⋅ 3 x(3x - 2) (2x + 1)

20(2x+ 3x+ x4)  =  5 ⋅ 22 x4 (2x+ 3x + 1)

=  5 ⋅ 22 x(x + 1) (2x + 1)

Common factors are 22 x(2x + 1)

So, the greatest common divisor is 4x2(2x + 1).

Example 10 :

(a - 1)5 (a  + 3)2, (a - 2)2 (a - 1)3 (a + 3)4

Solution :

(a - 1)5 (a + 3)2, (a - 2)2 (a - 1)3 (a + 3)4

The common factors are (a - 1)3(a + 3)2

So, the greatest common divisor is (a - 1)3(a + 3)2.

Example 11 :

x- 2xy + y2x- xy, x- y2

Solution :

x- 2xy + y

It looks like a2 - 2ab + b2

x- 2xy + y2 = (x - y)2 -----(1)

x- xy = x(x - y) -----(2)

 x- y2

looks like a2 - b2, using the algebraic identity

= (x + y)(x - y) -----(3)

Comparing (1), (2) and (3), we get the common factor as (x - y). 

So, the highest common factor is (x - y).

Example 12 :

cd - bd, c- 2bc + b2, 2c- 3bc + b2

Solution :

cd - bd

Factoring d from the above terms, we get

cd - bd = d(c - b) ------(1)

c- 2bc + b2

Looks like an algebraic identity, a2 - 2ab + b2

c- 2bc + b2 = (c - b)2 ------(2)

2c- 3bc + b2

2c- 2bc - bc + b2

Factoring 2c and factoring b, we get 

= 2c(c - b) - b(c - b)

= (2c - b) (c - b)

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