Whenever we have division problems with decimal numbers, we would have the following three situation.
1. Dividend - Decimal number & Divisor - Whole number
2. Dividend - Whole number & Divisor - Decimal Number
3. Dividend - Decimal number & Divisor - Decimal number
In a division problem, if dividend is a decimal number and divisor is a whole number, what should we do?
Example : 691.2 ÷ 12
Please watch this video.
In a division problem, if dividend is a whole number and divisor is a decimal number, what should we do?
Example : 414 ÷ 2.3
Please watch this video.
In a division problem, if both dividend and divisor are decimal numbers, what should we do?
Example : 3.24 ÷ 1.2
Please watch this video.
In all the three situations, either we have a decimal number as divisor or a whole number as divisor. If the divisor is a whole number, then the process of division becomes easier.
This has been clearly explained in the first video.
In case, the divisor is a decimal number, first we have to make it to be a whole number by moving decimal at the dividend (Here, we have decimal at the dividend).
For example, if there are two digits after the decimal at the divisor, we have to move the decimal two digits on the right side at the dividend.
This has been clearly explained in the second video.
If we have decimal at the divisor and we do not have decimal at the dividend, we can simply ignore the decimal at the divisor and add zeros at the dividend.
For example, if there are two digits after the decimal at the divisor, we can simply ignore the decimal and we have to add two zeros at the dividend.
This has been clearly explained in the third video.
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