The series Σ(xn/n!), where n ∈ [1, +∞) is called an exponential series. It can be proved that this series converges for all values of x.
For any real number x,
Σ(xn/n!) where n ∈ [1, +∞) = ex, where
Some more results :
Write the first 6 terms of each exponential series :
Question 1 :
Solution :
ex = 1 + (x/1!) + (x2/2!) + (x3/3!) + ..................
In the formula above, substitute x = 5x.
e5x :
= 1 + (5x/1!) + ((5x)2/2!) + ((5x)3/3!) + ((5x)4/4!) + ((5x)5/5!) + ..................
= 1 + (5x/1!) + (25x2/2) + (125 x3/6) + (625 x4/24) + (625 x5/24) + ..................
Question 2 :
Solution :
e-x = 1 - (x/1!) + (x2/2!) - (x3/3!) + ..................
In the formula above, substitute x = -2x.
e-2x :
= 1 - (2x/1!) + ((2x)2/2!) - ((2x)3/3!) + ((2x)4/4!) - (2x)5/5!) + ..................
= 1 - (2x/1!) + (4x2/2) + (8x3/6) + (16x4/24) +(32x5/120) + ..................
= 1 - 2x + 2x2 + (4x3/3) + (2x4/3) + (4x5/15) + .........
Question 3 :
Solution :
ex = 1 + (x/1!) + (x2/2!) + (x3/3!) + ..................
In the formula above, substitute x = x/2.
e(1/2)x :
= 1 - (x/2/1!) + ((x/2)2/2!) - ((x/2)3/3!) + ((x/2)4/4!) - ((x/2)5/5!) + ..................
= 1 - (x/2) + (x2/8) + (x3/48) + (x4/384) + (x5/3840) + .....
The series Σ(−1)n+1xn /n, where n ∈ [1, +∞) is called a logarithmic series. This series converges for all values of x satisfying |x| < 1. This series converges when x = 1 also. For all values of x satisfying |x| < 1, the sum of the series is log(1 + x). Thus
log(1 + x) = x - (x2/2) + (x3/3) - (x4/4) + .......
for all values of x satisfying |x| < 1.
By taking -x in place of x, we get
log(1 - x) = -x - x2/2 - x3/3 - x4/4 .......
for all values of x satisfying |x| < 1.
log [(1+x) / (1-x)] = log(1 + x) - log(1 - x)
Using this we get
log [ (1 + x)/(1 - x)] = 2 [x + x3/3 + x5/5 +............]
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