Closure property :
The collection of rational numbers (Q) is closed under addition and multiplication. This means for any two rational numbers a and b, a + b and a × b are unique rational numbers.
Commutative property :
Addition and multiplication are commutative for rational numbers. That is, for any two rational numbers a and b,
(i) a + b = b + a and
(ii) a × b = b × a
Associative property :
Addition and multiplication are associative for rational numbers. That is, for any three rational numbers a,b and c
(i) (a + b)+ c = a + (b + c) and
(ii) (a × b)× c = a × (b × c)
Additive and Multiplicative Identity property :
For any rational number a there exists a unique rational number –a such that a + (−a) = 0 = (−a) + a (Additive Inverse property).
For any non-zero rational number b there exists a unique rational number (1/b) such that b x (1/b) = 1 = (1/b) × b (Multiplicative Inverse property).
Question 1 :
Solution :
The given statement exactly matches the general form (a + b) + c = a + (b + c).
It is in the associative property of addition.
Question 2 :
Solution :
The given statement is in the form a x (b + c) = (a x b) + (a x c)
The name of the property is distributive property of multiplication over addition.
Question 3 :
Solution :
If a = -4/9, 1/a = 9/(-4)
a x (1/a) = 1
Hence the given is inverse property of multiplication.
(iv) 1/0
Solution :
It is undefined.
(v) 22/7
Solution :
If is a rational number.
Question 4 :
Which of the following properties hold for subtraction of rational numbers? Why?
(a) closure (b) commutative (c) associative
(d) identity (e) inverse
Solution :
Closure property :
For any two rational numbers a and b, we may get
Commutative property :
a - b ≠ b - a
Associative property :
a - (b - c) ≠ (a - b) - c
Inverse property :
Inverse property fails.
Identity property :
5 - 0 ≠ 0 - 5
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