For some real-world problems, we may need to divide a decimal by whole number.
Let us see how decimal division can be modeled through the following example.
Example :
Divide 6.39 by 3 using model.
Solution :
To do the above division, in the given decimal, the whole number part 6, tenth part 3 and hundredth part 9 have to be shared equally into three parts.
In the picture given below, let us assume that each square grid has the length 1 unit (the whole).
In the given decimal 6.39, the whole number part is 6. To represent this whole number part 6, let us shade the first six columns.
According to the problem, share the above grids into three equal parts.
Then, we have
In the above grids, each part is shaded in different color and each part contains two columns.
Therefore, when the whole number number 6 is shared equally into three parts 3, each part is
= 2(Wholes) ----(1)
In the picture given below, let us assume that each square grid has the length one tenth unit (1/10).
In the given decimal 6.39, the tenth part is 3. To represent this three tenth (0.3), let us shade the first three columns.
According to the problem, share the above grids into three equal parts.
Then, we have
In the above grids, each part is shaded in different color and each part contains only one column.
Therefore, when the three tenth is shared equally into three parts, each part is
= 1(Tenths) ----(2)
In the picture given below, let us assume that each square grid has the length one hundredth unit (1/100).
In the given decimal 6.39, the hundredth part is 9. To represent this nine hundredth (0.09), let us shade the first nine columns.
According to the problem, share the above grids into three equal parts.
Then, we have
In the above grids, each part is shaded in different color and each part contains three columns.
Therefore, when the nine hundredths is shared equally into three parts, each part is
= 3(Hundredths) ----(1)
From (1), (2) and (3), we get
6.39 ÷ 3 = 2.13
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