To plot a rational number on a number line, convert the given rational number to a decimal number. Now we can easily identity where the decimal number has to be plotted on the number line.  

Example 1 :

Draw the number line and represent the following rational numbers on it

(i)  9/4   (ii)  -8/3   (iii)  -17/(-5)   (iv)  -15/4

Solution :

(i)  9/4  =  2.25

(ii)  -8/3  =  -2.66

(iii)  -17/(-5)  =  3.4

(iv)  -15/4  =  3.75

Example 2 :

Find the rational number for the question mark marked on the number line.

Solution :

The part lies between -4 and -3 is divided into three equal intervals.

Moving from -3 to the indicated arrow, we have to cover 2/3 interval.

  =  -3 + (-2/3)

  =  -11/3

So, the question mark on the number line represents -11/3.

Example 3 :

Find the rational number for the question mark marked on the number line.

Solution :

The portion between 0 and -1 is divided into 5 equal parts.Moving from 0 to the arrow indicated, we have to cover 2/5 part.. Since we move to the left side, we have to take negative sign.

So, the question mark on the number line represents -2/5.

Example 4 :

Find the rational number for the question mark marked on the number line.

The portion between 0 and -1 is divided into 4 equal parts.Moving from 1 to the arrow indicated, we have to cover 3/4 part.. Since we move to the right side, we have to take positive sign.

  =  1 +  (3/4)

  =  7/4

So, the question mark on the number line represents 7/4.

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