The following steps will be useful to subtract mixed fractions with unlike denominators.
Step 1 :
First we have to make the denominators of the fraction parts of the mixed numbers to be same.
One we have made the denominators same, we have to follow the next step .
Step 2 :
After having made the denominators to be same, we have to look at the numerators.
Here, always we have to keep a condition in our mind.
That is, the numerator of the first fraction must always be greater than the numerator of the second fraction.
If the numerator of the first fraction is greater than the numerator of the second fraction, then we can do the subtraction easily.
Do you want know, how it is?
Please watch this video.....
Step 3 (If required) :
If the numerator of the first fraction is less than the numerator of the second fraction, then we have to make the numerator of the first fraction to be greater by doing some simple tricks.
Do you want know, how it is?
Please watch this video.....
Here the key point is, after having made the denominators of both the fractions to be same, the numerator of the first fraction must always be greater than the denominator.
In some problems, it will not be so.
If it is not so, please follow the steps explained in the second video.
Note :
In the example problem explained in the second video, 17 is reduced by 1 and the denominator 9 is added to the numerator 3 and the result 12 to be considered as numerator of the first fraction.
Not only in this example problem, in any problem, if you want to change the numerator, we have to reduce 1 from the integer part, and add the denominator to the numerator and the result to be considered as numerator.
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Feb 04, 25 08:16 AM
Feb 04, 25 08:15 AM
Feb 04, 25 08:11 AM