Problem 1 :

A ramp is built enable wheel-chair access to a building that is 24 cm above ground level. The ramp has a constant slope of 2 in 15, which means that for every 15 cm horizontally its rises 2 cm. Calculate the length of the base of the ramp.


Problem 2 :

A boy who is 1.6 m tall casts a 2.4 m shadow when he stands 8.1 m from the base of an electric light pole. How high above the ground is the light globe ?


Problem 3 :

A piece of timber leaning against a wall, just touches the top of a fence, as shown. Find how far up the wall the timber reaches.


Problem 4 :

At the same time as the shadow cast by a vertical 30 cm long ruler is 45 cm long, Rafael’s shadow is 264 cm long.

a) Draw a fully labelled sketch of the situation.

b) Find Rafael’s height ?


Problem 5 :

A 3.5 m ladder leans on a 2.4 m high fence. One end is on the ground and the other end touches a vertical wall 2.9 m from the ground. How far is the bottom of the ladder from the fence ?


Problem 6 :

Two surveyors estimate the height of a nearby mill. One stands 5 m away from the other on horizontal ground holding a 3 m stick vertically. The other surveyor finds a “line of sight” to the top of the hill, and observes this line passes the vertical stick at 2.4 m. They measures the distance from the stick to the top of the hill to be 1500 m using laser equipment. How high, correct to the nearest meter, is their estimate of the height of the hill ?


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